Options API

Here is a full list of options you can use with React Browser Form.

Options combinations that could potentially break your application or might be severe oversights are also verified at runtime. Errors are thrown from the hook if problematic setup occurs, so pay attention to this document.

name(required)stringForm DOM name attribute - must be unique. Used to access inputs through document.forms, to read all events and hydrate the form data and the DOM inputs.
defaultValues(required)SchemaDefault values need to match your schema. Do not change these - it will result in incorrect behavior.
onSubmit(data: Schema) => voidA callback for when the form is submitted. Will not trigger if there are errors during validation!
onChange(data: Schema) => voidThis method is useful when using onChange mode, live fields, setting or resetting values, etc.
| "onSubmit"
| "onBlurUnlessError"
| "onBlur"
| "onChange"
  • onSubmitUnlessError: Hydrate and validate upon form submit event. Inputs with errors re-validate on input change until the error is resolved.
  • onSubmit: Hydrate and validate upon form submit event. The fastest option if not validating, reliant on browser handling and keeping inputs mounted.
  • onBlurUnlessError: Hydrate and validate the form on every input blur. Inputs with errors re-validate on input change until the error is resolved.
  • onBlur: Hydrate and validate the form on every input blur. Recommended for forms with more complex validation logic.
  • onChange: The React way of handling forms. - the slowest method. Only good for live data handling. It is recommended to use live fields instead.
Default: onSubmitUnlessError
liveFieldsArray<keyof Schema>A subset of fields that will trigger update and validation of specified fields on every input change. Useful for conditional operations within forms, dependent fields, etc.
validationSchemaValidationSchema<Schema>A dead-simple validation with a validator schema that has access to single field and all form data. Throw ValidationError with an error message if field validation fails.
revalidationStrategy"onChange" | "onBlur"A revalidation strategy for inputs with errors. To be used with any *unlessError mode. Choose onBlur if your validation is demanding.Default: onChange
transformationSchemaTransformationSchema<Schema>A dead-simple type and value transformation schema. Useful when you need easy data processing, input masking or just recast types.
validateAfterInitbooleanWhether to perform validation right after mounting the form - before the first render.